Dear WCSS Parents, Friends & Guardians The biggest all-school celebration, our Kambarang Fair & Open Day, is less than 2 weeks away and we need all hands on deck to make it a success. The Kambarang Fair and Open Day is a celebration of our school and community and a compulsory day of attendance for all students. Primary students will be performing during the day as well as enjoying the many activities, stalls and food on hand. Posters have arrived and are ready for you to collect from Reception to put up at your local cafe, shops, library, office, car window.... anywhere (legal) you can think of! Please share the poster and event on social media (see below) and invite your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who have signed up on the rosters to organise an activity or to help on the day. Please check if there are any spaces on your class roster or other rosters which might need extra hands, including helping with food prep and set up on Friday. There are also "Additional Roles and Tasks" before and during the event including food pick up and prep, blackboard decorating, and on the day in Golden Threads.
Sign up online HERE or on the paper rosters near the library. Please also note that every family is asked to bring some baked goods for the cake stall, be it a cake, slice, batch of biscuits or muffins. We ask that they are nut and sesame free with minimal dairy following our allergy aware guidelines. Please ensure you include a list of ingredients ( see label below for you to use and hard copies are in Reception).
If you are baking or are on a food stall please take some time to complete the “I'm Alert” food safety program required for food handlers by the City of Stirling And finally, we have the performance schedule for the day so you can ensure you and your friends and family can plan your day.
Thank you for being a part of this wonderful day.
Warmly The Fair Organising Committee , 0417 977 103