School Newsletter Term 1 Week 4
Kaya WCSS Community

What a fantastic evening we had last week, on Wednesday, when we hosted a Curriculum Journey evening for parents. The Steiner school experience is based on pillars of meaning that provide an enriched learning community that supports the growing young person as they move through the stages of development towards adult life. It was great to see so many parents attend, especially dads, to be treated to a glimpse of the engaging curriculum delivered in each classroom by our dedicated and skilled staff. Thank you all for your time and a shout-out to the WCSS staff for preparing such an engaging evening.
We invite those who are eager to learn more about the curriculum as students progress through to high school, to join staff from Perth Waldorf School on Wednesday, March 19th from 6.30pm – 8.30pm to discover if a Steiner high school is the right path for your family. All families are welcome, particularly those with children in Classes 4, 5, and 6. I look forward to seeing you there. You can register your attendance by scanning the QR code on the advert or visiting the website link.
At the end of 2024, our school was successful in securing a grant to carry out a whole-school, collaborative, community art project, Kaart, Koort, Marra, with a focus on enriching learning around Indigenous culture and caring for boodja (country). Today, the Friday pupil-free day, teachers will be meeting to work with artists in planning for this year-long project. Thank you to members of the Reconciliation Action Plan committee, Elaine Meyer, Mel Lenzi, former principal, Jenny Dougan and artists Karen Hethey, Sonya Edney and Elder-in-residence, Grandma Freda for the work completed to secure us this funding.
Meanwhile, a small group of staff will be attending a Masterclass in Parent Engagement, another year-long project underpinning our Strategic Plan for 2025. Parent engagement is when parents positively support their child’s educational journey and success at school by being an important partner with their child’s teachers and the school. Engagement is showing interest in what your child is learning at school, reinforcing the importance of their learning, connecting school with home life, aligning values, and upholding the Steiner philosophy. Research demonstrates that parents who value the importance of their child’s education can have a profound influence on their child’s achievements and emotional wellbeing. Parents can greatly enhance the quality of their child’s education by participating in the life of the school and at West Coast Steiner School parent involvement is also vital to the health of our school. We are invested in providing opportunities for meaningful engagement of families with our school, and are looking forward to learning about best practices in this area so we can implement a range of strategies to support families to do so. Watch this space!
Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend!
With warmth,
Jacqui Hollingworth
School Administrator/Principal
The light rains down. My king, in this late-summer hour,
You reign within my heart as well, with growing power.
You shine with your strength. You gleam and glance and glisten.
You lead me into depths where I, within the silence, learn to listen.
And there you form life's fruits, fruits good to eat,
in weaving soul-light warm, where they grow ripe and rich and sweet.
In the Light of a Child, Michael Hedley Burton
Administration Matters
Curriculum Journey Feedback
Thank you to all those who attended this year's Curriculum Journey Evening, and a big thank you to our staff for all their efforts in ensuring this was an enjoyable and informative event. For those who were unable to attend, or would like to dig deeper, here is a wonderful article from Vanessa Fountain. We welcome your feedback to improve and inform future events. Click the link below to share your thoughts.

West Coast Steiner School is officially 30 years old this year and we are planning celebrations across 2025! Look out for our parent designed anniversary logo (above) and ways to be involved in the happenings.
One of our events is a Parent and Staff Sundowner on Friday May 9 at 7pm at the Oxford Hotel. Current and past staff, parents and students are warmly welcome to attend this relaxed and fun evening. Light refreshments will be provided and guests will purchase their own drinks. This is an 18yrs+ event. Please RSVP today for planning purposes.
See below for information regarding this year's NAPLAN testing which is offered in Class 3 and Class 5. Catch up tests will be available Monday 17 March for those absent 12, 13 or 14 March. For more information speak with your Class Teacher or contact Vanessa Beesley.
Come one, come all to our annual Celtic Dance on March 21!
Our Class 2 students are practising their dosy-does and their parents are working hard to provide a wonderful night of dancing and dining under the stars. Invite friends, family, neighbours and alumni to join our vibrant WCSS community as we celebrate at this fun night for all ages with bush band Ten Penny Bit, student performances, dinner and refreshments. Bring your own picnic or purchase from the dinner, dessert and beverage options provided.
Earlybird tickets available now from Reception. Please pre-purchase during the week to alleviate queueing on the night!
Please note this is a fundraiser and ticketed event. All children are free.
Please drop donations for the Celitc Dance raffle (suggestions: natural personal care products, organic coffee, hot chocolate powders, long-life barista plant milk, organic chocolate, Steiner inspired toys and books) to Reception.

Shining a Light On...
In order to ensure our policies and procedures are highly visible to parents/carers, we highlight a policy or important procedure in each newsletter. If you are interested in a specific policy check the Key Info Tab on the school website or email Reception to receive a copy.
All WCSS policies are reviewed periodically and updated and/or amended guided by compliance and best practice and ratified by the School Council.
In this edition we highlight our Child Protection Policy which has been recently updated and is being ratified by our School Council this week.
Steiner Spotlight

Steiner Voices XYZ Podcast Series
SEA has launched Steiner Voices XYZ, a fortnightly podcast series featuring Steiner school teachers, parents, students and alumni. The podcast is available on Spotify and Apple and through the SEA website. Have a listen to the second instalment featuring Steiner Class Teacher , Emily Watts.
Parent Education
Steiner Parent Education Initiative
To assist in Parent Education, WCSS continues to subscribe to the Steiner Parent Education Initiative in 2025. This allows our WCSS community to access a range of talks free of charge. We trust you will find value in these presentations and welcome your feedback. Family Commitment Hours are claimable for completing the sessions.
Blackboard Beauty

By Ramneek for The Curriculum Journey
Early Childhood

Dear Families,
We have had a lovely start to the year in Gungurra Kindergarten. The children have had the opportunity to gradually increase their days to get used to their new friends, teachers and routine. This transition to their full days helps them become familiar with all parts of their day in a gentle way. Returning students have settled back into the rhythm of kindy quite easily, and welcomed their new friends into the group with open hearts. This week we have enjoyed exploring the garden: doing sand and water play, filling wheelbarrows, watering the garden and meeting with friends. Inside we have explored the different play areas and are learning all about the daily routine and how we do things in a Steiner kindergarten.
During these first weeks we learn and practice the basics of our daily routine, taking part in the morning circle followed by an activity: drawing, craft and bread making. Children are told stories and are given opportunities for self-directed creative play while also learning and following rules that help us be part of a group. Next week we will move to two mornings for K4, three full days for K5 and five full days for Kindy 6 which will provide more opportunities to broaden experiences, more play and more learning.
Wishing you all a nourishing and fulfilling term!
With love
Ciby Holywell
Gungurra Kindergarten Teacher

Primary News
Class 1 Keyen
I am a strong and mighty tree, No howling wind will conquer me.
My roots reach deep into the ground. They hold me up, I won't fall down.
My trunk is strong and straight and sound, My bark is skin that wraps me round.
My branches reach into the air, A home for birds from everywhere.
My leaves reflect the shining light, They glisten in the sunshine bright.
My flowers blossom blissfully, They offer nectar to the bee.
I am a strong and mighty tree, No howling wind will conquer me.
Class 1 begins with a Main Lesson block in form drawing, during which the children experience straight and curved lines. They first walk the lines on the floor; later they draw straight and curved lines in various combinations on paper. Precision and clarity of line, essential to good writing skills, are emphasised. Form drawing helps develop eye-to-hand coordination, the sense of uprightness in space, right/left and up/down orientation, and the ability to mirror, all skills that are needed in reading. Through song, verse, speech exercises, games, and drills, phonics and spelling are learned.
In addition, through the telling of fairy tales and the recitation of poetry, children are exposed to other cultures and skills in listening, retelling, sequencing, and articulate speaking are practiced. Form Drawing supports this objective. This lesson is a literacy-based session that introduces pre-writing skills using many techniques and a wide variety of materials. The children move the forms in play, verses and singing prior to any formal representation of the shapes and forms inherent in the alphabet. In this way the class learns to work together as a whole, to follow directions, sequence, take turns and cooperate.
Mel Lenzi
Class 1 Keyen Teacher

Class 2 Koodjal

Class 2 have been enjoying bread making, and a Teddy's Bear Picnic!
Class 3 Dambart

Class 3 children have embraced their role as stewards of the environment. With open hearts and willing hands, we began a journey of care and regeneration, bringing to life the principles of sustainability that weave through our curriculum.
Together with Class 5, we conducted a whole-school waste audit, looking closely at what we discard and how we can tread more lightly upon the earth. The children sorted, classified, and reflected upon the life cycle of materials, discovering that reducing waste is as vital as recycling. With keen observation and thoughtful discussion, we asked: How can we use less? What can be given new life?
Guided by this awareness, we turned our attention to the school’s composting systems and worm farms, breathing vitality back into these miniature ecosystems. The children have come to see the magic of transformation—the way kitchen scraps become rich, nourishing soil, ready to return to the garden. They have nurtured the worms with great care, marvelling at their quiet work beneath the surface.
Through practical tasks, the children have come to understand that true sustainability is not just about what we do but how we live.
Warm regards,
Kasia Rymarczyk
Class 3 Dambart Teacher

Class 4 Koodjal Koodjal

One of the things I love most about teaching at a Steiner school is the depth of learning that is made possible by the immersion of arts across every learning area.
Our Norse Main Lesson offers a wonderful example. When learning about Yggrdassil, the creation tree, we began with a detailed oral storytelling of how the Nordic Gods formed the tree and its nine realms. We then recounted the story over the following days, and wrote it in our own words, before drawing the tree and labelling its parts using the model on the board. The class then worked with Ramneek to create beautiful wet-on-wet renderings of the tree, each one unique.
To consolidate the learning, I wrote a song for the class capturing the content of the lesson. The children were thrilled to have a song written especially for them, and begged me to sing this song every day, which they sing with gusto! They are sure to remember it forever. In time, we will build our poetic and musical composition skills and by Class 6 I will teach them to write their own songs.
We look forward to sharing our special Yggdrassil song with you at assembly in week 6, and hope you enjoy our artworks in the meantime.
Elaine Meyer
Teacher Class 4 Koodjal-Koodjal

Class 5 Maar

Class 5 have been immersed in their Ancient India Main Lesson. They have created some beautiful pencil drawings, maps and written compositions as well as making mango lassis and dhal (which they kindly share with staff!) and enjoying dancing and yoga.
Donna Shaw
Class 5 Maar Teacher

Class 6 Maar Keyen

Class 6 student Senators
In Class 6 we study the rise and fall of the great Roman Empire. Class 6s become Romans! We march, we speak Latin, we battle, we demand law and order, we accomplish great ingenuity and study hard to become the most knowledgeable group possible.
Rome rose to power gradually and were initially ruled by kings. As the empire became bigger some kings who came to rule were not from Rome. They were from a place called Etruria. The Etruscan king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus oppressed the Romans and was eventually expelled from the city. The Romans then formed a republic.
The government was in the hands of the wealthy citizens, called the patricians. The common citizens were called the plebs or plebeians. At first, they had little to do with governing. Bit by bit, however, they tore down the barrier that separated the two social orders.
The government was made up of various officials including a group called the senate who would help bring order and justice to Rome.
This year Class 6 student councillors will be called Senators, just like in ancient Rome.
The letters SPQR stand for Senatus Populus Que Romanusa - the Senate and the People of Rome. Class 6 will wear badges with these letters.
As leaders we will endeavour to foster kindness, make positive changes to the school and help make our school a safe and happy place to be.
The WCSS Class 6 Senators 2025 wrote their own speeches and spoke articulately and confidently to their peers at assembly last week!
Hi, my name is Ariella
I am really happy to finally be a part of Class 6.
I love art and playing sports.
If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Hello everyone
My name is Breifne and I am a chatterbox, so if you like to chat come to me.
I will talk about anything. Like…
My favourite colours are pink and green.
What’s your favourite colour?
I really, really love art and craft and I love birds.
If you have any problems, you can come and talk to me or any of my friends.
So remember my name Breifine!
This semester we say congratulations to our Class 6 senators…
Louie Aberneithie
Madhurya Benegal
Jasmine Fitzgerald
Breifne Langford
Danteo Lessani
Jessica Mullins
Ariella Waru
Aimee Waller
Class 6 Teacher

Soft Handwork

In Class 2 Bouncy Bunnies are being knitted.

Class 3 are finishing off their knitted doll project from last year.

Class 4 are finishing off crochet projects; gorgeous granny squares and a wise owl crocheted with skill.

In Class 5 students return to knitting with a warm up project - a lovely bluebird of happiness.

A Class 5 cross stitch project is completed- a lovely and useful pen holder.
Music News
As we approach the middle of Term 1 music is in full swing at WCSS. The orchestra is busily practising for the Celtic Dance on March 21 and the choir is learning songs to perform at a Choir Assembly on April 3 (and sounding angelic).
There is also other exciting news for students in Class 4, 5 and 6. We are now introducing the double bass as a string instrument that students can learn at school, in addition to violin, viola and cello. There will only be one double bassist in each class, but to introduce the instrument I took one of our new school double basses to Class Ensembles and every student got to have a go at the instrument. It was wonderful to see the students discover the deep sound that such a big instrument is capable of producing. The addition of the double bass is sure to bring a whole new dimension to our string orchestra rehearsals and performances. Many thanks to WCSSA for generously providing the funds for one of our three new double basses (and to our Business Manager, Audrey for organising the school funds to purchase the other two).
Cristina Filgueira
Strings Specialist


Students in Class 6 have started the year making stools, bowls, and spoons. They have learnt how to use the handsaw, drawknife, spokeshave and gouges to create the design of their project.
Yolanda Millar
Woodwork Specialist

The 4 Rs of Recycling are Reduce, Re-use. Recyle, Refuse
The first step is to reduce consumption at the source. How did my family do it this week?
- I took my silver chain to the jewellers and had the broken parrot clasp fixed
- Fixed a dress with my sewing machine
- Fixed a rip in my son’s shirt
- Made a patch for a shirt that my other son bought at an op shop
- Used our keep cups
- My husband made his coffee at home rather than buying it
- Composted all our food waste
- Shopped at the local farmers market for fruit, vegetables and meat
- Bought my nephew an online gift voucher for his birthday
- Tried darning a hole in my cardigan (and failed, need help!)
- My son sold one of his bass guitars (does that count?)
How could you reduce in the next week or so? Perhaps you would like to come and chat about recycling and sustainability with like-minded people? Have a chat to Claire George (Class 3 and Year 5 parent) or myself. The first meeting will be coming up soon!
Vanessa Beesley (staff rep. Sustainability Circle)

WCSS Community Association

Term 1 Market Day Roster
March 4: Class 3
March 11: Class 2
March 18: Class 1
March 25: Kindy
April 1: Class 4
April 8: Class 6
Parent Business Directory
Welcome to the section where we share information on WCSS family owned businesses. If you are an enrolled WCSS family, run a business and would like to promote this to our school community please send your details (a few sentences describing your business, contact details and a logo or image) to

Rhema Group is a WCSS family owned building and carpentry company specialising on all structural carpentry projects, from house framing to decks and patios. Contact them via the details below or visit their website to learn more.

BREATHWORK: What is it? And how it can help?
Breathwork is a practice that relaxes your nervous system with the power of your own breath.
Breathwork will bring you out of the fight and flight state your body and mind are constantly in, allowing you to find joy, peace and bliss in your life.
The benefits of breathwork are endless, including helping you work on your chronic pain as well as helping with PTSD and trauma. To learn more about breathwork contact kindergarten parent, Giulia on 0451 119 102

Cheesebuddy is an Australian made Brazilian cheese bread which is gluten free, versatile, delicious... and owned and operated by a WCSS family! Cheesebuddy products are available at Woolworths, Costco, IGA, Farmer Jack’s and others. Chat with Yuri - M:0402730490

Yol Creative
Run by our very own Woodwork Specialist, Yolanda Millar, Yol Creative provides creative workshops for anyone who would like to explore their artistic side. Workshops are great for team building activities, get togethers, birthdays or just if you would like to learn some skills and have some fun! Explore the Facebook Page for more info.

Author - Nicole Watts
WCSS parent and author, Nicole Watts has a Bachelor of Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts. She has been on both sides of the mental health divide, having worked in the mental health sector and having a history of depression and anxiety. Nicole's book, Little Bundle of Sorrow, is a collection of womens' stories of postnatal depression. Find out more at her website. Copies of the book can be ordered from Amazon or publisher, Austin McCauley.
Community News

Triple P is the parenting program that helps make raising kids easier. It gives you tips and ideas to help raise happy and confident kids; see more of the behaviours you like and less of the ones you don’t; and have better relationships with your family.
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is available to parents and carers of children in Western Australia. Free Triple P Seminars are offered in various locations.
Start now with a free online program: Triple P Online (if your children are under 12), Fear-Less Triple P Online (if your children are 6+ years and having problems with anxiety), Triple P Online for Baby (if you’re a new parent or parent-to-be), Family Transitions Triple P Online (if you’re separating or divorcing) or Stepping Stones Triple P Online (for families of children with disability).
If you’re a parent of tweens to teenagers, Teen Triple P Online is available to purchase.

Coming Events
Friday 28: Pupil Free Day
Monday 03: Public Holiday
Wednesday 05: School Tour 9.15am
Thursday 06: Class 6 Leadership Conference Excursion
Friday 07: Class 1 Parent Meeting
Wednesday 12: Rose Kindergarten Parent Meeting 3.05pm
Wednesday 12 - Friday 14: NAPLAN (Class 3 & Class 5)
Friday 14: Kaart, Koort, Marra Immersion Day
Monday 17: NAPLAN Catch Up
Save the Dates:
Perth Waldorf School High School Information Session March 19 at 6.30pm
Celtic Dance March 21, 5.30pm-8.00pm
For further Term Dates check the school website calendar
Market Day: Tuesdays 3.05pm
Craft Group: Thursdays 12.45pm at The Hub
Parent Study Group: Thursdays 9.00am at The Hub or Library
Yarning Circle: Wednesdays 8.40am at The Hub
WA Anthroposophical Study Group: Mondays 7.30pm in the Staff Room
Golden Threads
Monday-Friday 8.00am-10.30am
Mon, Weds, Fri 2.30pm-3.30pm
Thursday 1.30pm - 3.00pm